WHAT is a Preliminary Name Search Report Canada?
Preliminary Name Search: If you have a company name that you would like to use for your business start up, the Name pre-search provides the best view into what business names have been taken. This can be used before ordering an official search report called NUANS.
We have designed a system to do authorized computerized nuans corporate name search in databases to find existing, reserved name, and proposed names/trademarks in all of Canada. This search will generate a nuans corporate name search report. Your generated Nuans report Canada will list all names reservation that match or are similar to your proposed name.
WHY do you need Preliminary Name Search name search and Nuans Pre-Search?
Our Instant Preliminary name search product allows you the access to do a preliminary name search for a proposed business name in the NUANS database with instant results. You now have the option to do a self-serve business name pre-search before doing a business name reservation or to check the name availability of your proposed business name. This Nuans pre-search product lets you search at any time and as many times as you like to find the perfect name for your business.
How does the NUANS report system work?
The Name Availability Check system name search and compare names and trademarks in many different ways. Search strategy includes as phonetics, word length, synonyms and varying name formulations. nuans searches new brunswick, nuans name search alberta. So you can be reassured that when you choose your new business name, you can avoid as many potential conflicts as possible. A NUANS report is a mandatory requirement and is one of the supporting documents required to incorporate a business Federally and also in many of the provinces like nuans name search alberta, nuans Ontario, nuans searches new brunswick, etc.