WHAT is a trademark search report Canada?
Nuans Report Canada: If you are thinking of registering a new business in Canada, but you're not sure if your proposed business name reservation is available?
We have designed a system to do authorized computerized search in databases to find existing, reserved name, and proposed names/trademarks in all of Canada. This search will generate a NUANS report. In conclusion, Your generated Nuans report Canada will list all names reservation that match or are similar to your proposed name.
WHY do you need Trademark report?
If you want your business name to be unique and distinguished, you may consider getting it trademarked!. Firstly, You can start by getting a trademark report to check the trademark availability search report or a trademark search report disclaimer, in order to make sure the name has not yet been trademarked by other businesses. furthermore, Search report trademark can help you determine the availability of that name. You can use a unique mix of words, alphabets, designs or sounds, including other untraditional symbols like smell, flavor and feel, to differentiate your business's products or services from other competitors. Moreover, A great trademark can help to make your business stand out with years of good reputation. A trademark report can be order instantly via our website with our self-serve method.
After that, you will receive the trademark availability search report instantly after payment. Importantly, Your Business will have the absolute right to use the trademarked name and to safeguard your goods and services against exploitation by competitors in the Canadian market. The trademark clearance search report will search Canadian trademarks database for similar trademarked business name. Therefore, this helps you to choose the best name for your trademark! The Canadian trademark clearance search report can be renewed every 10 years. Whether you are a new business owner or a mature established business, getting your name protected in Canada can be a step you want to consider for your business to show expertise, reputation, and stand apart from the competition.
How does the NUANS report system work?
The NUANS system name search and compare names and trademark search report disclaimer in many different ways. however, Search strategy includes as phonetics, word length, synonyms and varying name formulations. Moreover, So you can be reassured that when you choose your new business name, you can avoid as many potential conflicts as possible. In conclusion, A NUANS report is a mandatory requirement and is one of the supporting documents required to incorporate a business Federally and also in many of the provinces like Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick, etc.